Advanced ALERT

This program is the middle child in the ALERT family of DLI Engineering. It is shown in knowledge and in efficiency too. AdvancedALERTTM contains all of the data screening features of StandardALERTTM but also includes BearingALERTTM for automated rolling element wear detection. This software is appropriate for those who are primarily interested in detecting bearing wear or who don't mind spending extra time doing manual analysis. Users may opt to upgade to ExpertALERTTM and take full advantage of its complete automated diagnostic system at anytime.

BearingALERTTM technology has been used by DLI engineers and clients in virtually every industry worldwide for over 15 years with great success. BearingALERTTM combines and automates a number of analysis techniques in order to automatically detect rolling element bearing wear without requiring bearing make or model number. These techniques include: cepstrum analysis, order normalization, automatic peak extraction, noise floor calculations, high frequency demodulation or envelop analysis, and a rule based expert system. AdvancedALERTTM includes a bearing database with over 9000 bearing and users may add bearing information to this database as required.

AdvancedALERTTM reports cite 4 levels of bearing wear severity (Slight, Moderate, Serious and Extreme) which can be trended over time in order to realize the maximum life from the bearings. Fault patterns, including peaks in the spectra and demodulated data, are included in the report to allow users to easily confirm the faults with manual analysis. AdvancedALERTTM contains all of the manual analysis capabilities found in ExpertALERTTM.
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