Data Collectors

TRIO: the new generation of vibration data collectors and machine condition analyzers.

TRIO is more than a vibration data collector; it is a powerful computerized system in a mobile industrial package that sets aside the traditional data collection model and brings forth a new focus on ergonomics, efficiency and safety. TRIO will improve the effectiveness of your condition monitoring program and will allow you to get more done in less time with a high degree of success while lowering the overall cost of your program.

TRIO is unique in its capabilities and modular approach to vibration data instrumentation. TRIO uses a robust Bluetooth® connection to integrate its rugged Windows® 7 user interface from its small, independent four-channel data acquisition device. Combined with Azima DLI’s proven methodology and diagnostic automation, TRIO offers the user many new benefits.

By applying wireless and voice recognition technology TRIO allows users to collect data from safe distances up to 30’ from dangerous machine locations. In addition, TRIO’s break-away utility belt configuration and voice activated data collection allows total HANDS FREE operation.

Brochure containing the Technical Specifications:

TRIO Benefits:

  • TRIO utilizes the newest generation industrial tablet PC having as much computing power as many PC workstations
  • Safer to use with hands free and wireless data acquisition. Available voice activated acquisition allows you to use your hands for other things. Wireless connection to the small, separate data processing unit allows you to move away from dangerous machines while collecting data.
  • Its modular configuration is robust and will lower the overall cost of ownership; when your user interface becomes obsolete, purchase an inexpensive replacement. As new capabilities become available, download and install them.

TRIO Features:

  • 4 CH simultaneous acquisition
  • Triaxial accelerometer
  • 104 dB dynamic range
  • Windows® 7 Ultimate controller
  • 64 GB solid state hard drive
  • Sybase SQL database onboard
  • Bluetooth® wireless data acquisition
  • 2 MP camera (video and still photography)
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