Expert ALERT

ExpertALERTTM is the most advanced machinery condition assessment software available on the market today. Advanced analysis tools and DLI Engineering's legendary automated diagnostic system..As opposed to other diagnostic system the ExpertALERTTM is not infesting the technican just with spectrums, but give him a touch the spot diagnostic riport and offers to repair. It means there is no need to spend days with analysing the results. No other system can do this. ExpertALERTTM is DLI Engineering's latest generation of this highly successful automated vibration diagnostic software.

Vibration Diagnostic System

Many in the industry lay claims of a vibration analysis and diagnostic system. However, not one of our competitor's claims can stand up to the power, depth and accuracy of ExpertALERTTM's machinery diagnostics. In competitive tests, time after time, DLI's Automated Diagnostics Engine is clearly the leader.

For the ingredients of a successful condition assessment program, have built these capabilities into ALERT:

  • Intuitive graphical user interface that is simple to learn and operate
  • Setup wizards reduce set up time and increase configuration accuracy
  • Automated diagnostics accurately predict faults
  • Automated bearing fault identification without requiring bearing make and model number
  • Multi-level fault severity and prioritized repair recommendations improve repair planning
  • Advanced reporting tools produce professional reports Better machine performance determination through ALERT’s calculated process points feature
  • Integration of other PdM technologies, reports, documents, spreadsheets, inspections, manuals, linked to machine records
  • Online monitoring, walk-around vibration collection and operating log collection in one system

ExpertALERTTM provides critical machinery health information instead of just vibration data, by rapidly screening vibration measurements and applying over 4,500 unique rules to identify individual faults in a wide variety of machine types. You can use the diagnostic report to review the results and interactively display drawings of the machines, explanations of the diagnoses, and graphical displays in a variety of formats. The diagnostic system gives you a diagnosis of the problem(s) that exist, and a recommendation. In addition, each fault diagnosis is given a severity, both verbal (slight, moderate, serious or extreme), and numeric. You may then trend this information and thus determine how the severity is changing over time, telling you how quickly you need to act. The system can operate with houndreds of vibration results. This is possibly the most useful tool available.

A few key features of ExpertALERTTM:

  • Fast and easy system set up with advanced Setup Wizards
  • Rapid vibration data screening using sensitive narrow-band vibration techniques for early detection of faults
  • Proven diagnostic system that identifies problem machines and gives accurate diagnosis of fault(s)
  • Prioritized Repair Recommendations - comparable to experienced human vibration analyst in a mature program
  • Reduce your data analysis and diagnosis time by hours. Rather than analyzing every single spectrum collected, the expert system will give you an accurate diagnosis and recommendation, in minutes not hours
  • Professional, flexible report generation
  • Over 4,500 rules
  • Continuous development and improvement since 1988.
  • Over 650 machine fault messages
  • 21 different component types supported
  • Uses demodulated spectra for advanced bearing wear diagnosis

The Diagnostic Engine uses an empirical, rule based, logic system that utilizes order normalized data, spectrum analysis, cepstrum analysis, demodulated data analysis ( enveloping ), and a few methods we would refer to as “proprietary”. The new Diagnostic System also has become more flexible, where single axis, bi-axial and (as always) triaxial vibration data formats are now all accepted for accurate diagnose.

Tools of Graphical Analysis:

  • 3D Spectral Waterfall
  • Single Axis, Triaxial, and Double-Triax Spectral and Waveform Displays
  • Reference Cursor Delta Markers
  • Harmonic Markers - Machine View Diagram
  • Fault Frequency Calculation
  • Sideband Markers
  • Cepstum Analysis
  • Bearing Database (>9000 Bearings)
  • Polar Phase Plot
  • Auto Normalization
  • Integration & Differentiation
  • Zoom
  • And many more

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