DLI Watchman DCA-31 series




DLI Watchman DCA-31/IS

DLI Wachman DCA-31B

The DCA31 series is small, rugged, lightweight. The instruments with a high-resolution screen for easy reading and route navigation as well as comprehensive data presentation and interpretation.

The DCA-31 series comes standard with enough memory onboard to load large surveys that include literally hundreds of machines. Its enclosure is well sealed so you don't need to worry about using it in wet or dirty environments. In addition, The DCA-31B offers CSA International Certification for Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D Hazardous Environments.

The DCA-31/IS is certified according to ATEX (European Community) directive 100a for non-mining applications with a gaseous explosive hazard continuously present.

The DLI Watchman DCA-31B and DCA-31/IS Data Collector / Real Time Analyzer has been designed specifically for use in hazardous areas.

Its Windows CE operating system allows the user to add additional functionality as new application software becomes available.

The DCA-31B and DCA-31/IS can be integrated with a number of condition monitoring systems, including ExpertALERT, AdvancedALERT, DLI WatchmanŽ DCX, and DCX Online systems. Load or unload your survey data through its traditional serial port.

The DCA-31 series includes a digital signal processing (DSP) microprocessor that operates at a bandwidth of 40 Khz. This translates into rapid data processing and averaging so your data collection is fast and real-time displays do in fact, represent REAL time.


Input Signal Types:

  • ICP Accelerometers
  • Velocity Transducers
  • Displacement Probes
  • Triaxial Transducers
  • DC
  • Acc/Vel Transducers

Signal Inputs:

  • 3 x ICP, AC Signals, DC Signals
  • Tacho from Trigger

Input Channels:

  • 1 channel: Triaxial ICPTM/AC/DC
  • 2 Simultaneous (Firmware upgradeable); Channel 1 - Triaxial ICPTM/AC/DC, Channel 2 - ICPTM/AC/DC

Input Signal Range:

  • +/- 40 Volts Max


  • RMS / Pk / Pk-Pk / dB

Measurement Parameters:

  • Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement, Demod, Temperature, Phase, Voltage, User Specified.

Measurement Types:

  • Overall, Spectrum, Time Waveform, Phase, Order Normalized, Spectral Band Alarm.


  • Hanning, Hamming, Rectangular

FFT Resolution:

  • 100 - 12,800 lines, single channel

Time Block Length:

  • 256-32,768 samples, single channel


  • Time and Spectral

PC Communications:

  • Serial: 9 -Pin D-Type and IrDA 1.1

Machine Identification:

  • Plant, Area, Machine, Location, Point Description, Units, Alarm Levels, Previous Measurements and Alarm Types


  • Display - 1/4 VGA, 240 x 320, 3 ½“, backlit color LCD
  • Size - 200mm x 130mm x 50mm
  • Weight - 700grams
  • Temperature - -100C to + 500C (Operating)
  • Temperature - -200C to + 600C (Storage)
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