DCA-60 Vibration Data Collector/Real Time Analyzer for Advanced Machine Condition Monitoring
The DCA-60 enables four-channel simultaneous vibration data collection with new capabilities including wireless connectivity, multimedia, 80 GB of data storage and compatibility with Windows applications.
The DCA-60 is specifically designed to meet the needs of today’s reliability professional with advanced features currently unmatched in the industry. Designed for use in the field at plants and other industrial sites, the rugged DCA-60 allows plant technicians to collect vibration data and diagnose machine faults on site or seamlessly transmit its data via the Internet to vibration expert analysts. The fast triaxial data collection capability allows engineers to collect a suite of measurements in just one click.
The DCA-60 also features onboard ALERTTM machine vibration analysis software, which includes advanced diagnostic tools commonly found in high end reliability systems, such as harmonic and sideband cursors, spectral overlays, zooming, waterfalls and more, to aid your vibration analysis. Diagnose machine faults with Cepstral plots, orbits, demodulated vibration spectrum, time synchronous averaging, Bode plots and comparisons to machine baseline spectral data.
A complete database resides on the unit's shock mounted hard drive. This database contains all of the plant machinery setup information, previous data, diagnostic history and trends for all machines in a plant. The user can add or modify machines as well as review historical information and trends for any machine.
Efficient and accurate data collection
DCA-60 grows with you
As your condition monitoring needs evolve, so will DCA-60. Three upgrade options are available to add value to your instrument; make it a multi-plane balancer, advanced cross-channel analyzer or upgrade it to a full-featured DCX diagnostic data collector that includes in part, automated fault diagnostics at the machine.The DCA-60 also features onboard ALERTTM machine vibration analysis software, which includes advanced diagnostic tools commonly found in high end reliability systems, such as harmonic and sideband cursors, spectral overlays, zooming, waterfalls and more, to aid your vibration analysis. Diagnose machine faults with Cepstral plots, orbits, demodulated vibration spectrum, time synchronous averaging, Bode plots and comparisons to machine baseline spectral data.
A complete database resides on the unit's shock mounted hard drive. This database contains all of the plant machinery setup information, previous data, diagnostic history and trends for all machines in a plant. The user can add or modify machines as well as review historical information and trends for any machine.